Addressing a seminar here, the former premier said that entrusting a person with leadership [of the country] was only the right of the people. "Democracy is no strange ideology; it is the name of rule of masses."
"The sanctity of vote is linked to the country's security, prosperity and development," he contended, maintaining that a campaign for restoration of vote's sanctity had to be run and youth will have to become vanguards in this campaign.
The former premier also announced not to give party tickets to politicians switching loyalties for the forthcoming elections.
"We have been given a chance in the form of elections after a few months and those who have been disloyal to the party or voters will not be given tickets," he said.
Nawaz further stated that he does not face any charges pertaining to corruption or receiving kick-backs.
Moreover, he welcomed the statement by the chief justice on timely conduct of free and fair elections in the country.
"The chief justice of Pakistan has announced elections will be held on time at any cost. He has also expressed resolve for free and fair elections, which holds bright prospects," Nawaz said.
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