PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif
PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif on Monday demanded the formation of a national commission in light of the recent treason allegations against him, in light of a statement attributed to him on the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack

While addressing a party rally in Buner, the former prime minister said the guilty party, be it him for treason or those leveling allegations against him, should be publicly hanged following the verdict of the commission.

“Nawaz who eliminated terrorism from Pakistan, made the country an atomic power, concealed the Kargil embarrassment, made motorways, ended electricity load shedding, and made Pakistan a hub of peace is being labeled as a traitor today.”

“Is making Pakistan an atomic power treason or patriotism?”

Those who drown Pakistan into darkness are patriots, those who sow the seeds of terrorism in the country are patriots, and those who abrogate the country’s Constitution and law and impose martial law are patriots, he lamented.

“Those who serve you sincerely, day and night, are being accused of treason.”

He strongly opposed the allegations against him and stressed that the nation must work with him to bring an end to such incidents.

“If I speak positively about Pakistan, then should not I give good suggestions?”

“And if my statement doesn’t sit well with someone, and if I am actually a traitor then come form a national commission. Let us start the process of accountability,” he demanded.

“Those who call me traitor should also be held accountable,” said Nawaz. “Pakistan’s 220 million people should witness [the trial] and the guilty [party] should be publicly hanged.”

"He who is ready to die for the country has been labeled a traitor," the veteran politician lamented. "Nawaz was shown the door, and this is the treatment given to the prime minister."

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