NAB chief Justice (retd) Javed Iqbal told media the accountability body has accorded approval to bring Hasan and Hussain Nawaz, the sons of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif, back to Pakistan with the Interpol’s assistance.
Dismissing speculation, Iqbal said the bureau does not have any political motives and is not out to target any political party.
“[Politicians] can run election campaign but when summoned before NAB, they should appear before the bureau,” he added.
On Wednesday, NAB sources also said the anti-graft body would be initiating proceedings to bring former finance minister Ishaq Dar and Ali Imran, son-in-law of PML-N president Shehbaz Sharif, back to the country.
The anti-corruption watchdog has also recommended placement of names of Punjab government secretaries, Ali Jan and Najam Shah, on the Exit Control List, the sources said.
Caretaker interior minister Azam Khan has previously said the authority to bring anyone back through the Interpol rests with the Ministry of Interior.
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