The day 13th July having great significant in the history of Kashmiri struggle against the illegal occupation of india.
On 13 July 1931 thousands of Kashmiri Muslim were gathered around the jail to witness in the trial of Abdul Qadir. When the time of prayers came near a Kashmiri youth stood up for Azaan. The Dogra governor ordered to fire, young got martyred before completing the Azan, at that time another stood up for azan, which was also shot and dead.
In rapid succession 22 Kashmiri youths stood to complete the Azan and embraced martyrdom. The incident shook the whole State, Kashmiri people rose in protest and life in the Valley came to standstill.Like Kashmir and the world around, Pakistan has also been observing Youm e Shudaha-e-Kashmir on July 13 in the past to show solidarity with the hapless Kashmiri.
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