Will tackle all unified thieves simultaneously of oppositio: Naeemul Haq
Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Political Affairs Naeemul Haq while reacting to the meeting of opposition said that every thief and robber have united and will be tackled simultaneously.

“The law of former rulers has been culminated. Now law will rule over the country,” he asserted.

“The group that looted the country has joined hands. It will be a good sign if they reach to an agreement. We will then confront them all together,” maintained Haq.

He suggested that the unison between opposition parties will make things effortless for the government.

“The fall of Zardari and Sharif family has begun. They looted the nation brutally and have to answer for it,” articulated Nameeul Haq.

He stressed that the government believes on rule of law while adding that NAB is an independent institution and not answerable to them.

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